Are you caring for a child whose parent is incarcerated?

Supporting Children with Incarcerated Parents Series for Parents/Caregivers A two-part series for parents and caregivers Free online via Zoom – April 18 and April 25, 2022 Connect, discuss and engage… Children who are impacted by the incarceration of a parent or loved one sometimes experience extra stress and may have difficult questions. This two-part series is designed […]

Reading to Connect with Your Child

What are the benefits of reading with your child? Watch this video about the benefits of reading out loud with our children.  Reading strengthens brain development, language and literacy skills. It fosters a love of reading and increases your child’s knowledge (and yours too).  Reading together is a wonderful opportunity to nurture and strengthen your […]

Virtual Child Support and Family Court Event

Caseworkers, clinicians, counselors, and other professionals who work with families are invited to attend the Child Support and Family Court FAQ.  UW-Madison, Division of Extension has convened a panel of experts to clarify child support and paternity processes in Racine County. The virtual program will be held via Zoom on: Wednesday, March 2, 9:00-11:00 AM […]

Helping Children Talk About Feelings

Helping children label their feelings is the first step in developing the skills of understand their feelings and learning how to express their feelings in positive and healthy ways.  When children are able to identify their feelings, calming themselves is easier. See @raisingwichildren for more parenting tips.  

Educación para padres – Otoño 2021

Programas virtuales (en Zoom) Soluciones Positivas – Los padres de niños pequeños aprenden estrategias para promover el comportamiento positivo al enseñar habilidades sociales, establecer expectativas y ayudar a los niños a afrontar sentimientos fuertes. 6 sesiones – Miércoles: 13, 20, 27 de octubre, 3, 10 y 17 de noviembre 6: 30-7: 30 PM Establecer Expectativas […]

Extension Racine County’s Annual Report

Learn more about what Extension Racine County does in the 2019 Annual Report which describes ways the organization transforms lives and communities in Racine County. The report includes information from each program area, Positive Youth Development and 4-H, Human Development and Relationships, Agriculture, Horticulture, Nutrition, and Community Development, about the programming offered and participants served. […]

Agricultural Chemical Waste Collection August 19th

2020 Kenosha & Racine Counties Agricultural Clean Sweep Wednesday, August 19, 1 PM – 4 PM Old Settlers Park (Racine Co Fairgrounds), 19805 Durand Avenue, Union Grove If you are an active farmer, owner of agricultural land, nursery, orchard, or greenhouse operator in Kenosha or Racine County you may bring in up to 200 pounds […]

Message to Our Community

Extension Racine County shares in the heartbreak of the tragic and senseless loss of Black lives. The thousands of individuals who have come together to stand up for justice gives us hope that we can end the systemic racism that plagues our communities and our country. As community educators, we are committed to the values […]

2020 Youth Tractor Safety Program

Registration is open for the 2020 youth tractor safety program, which begins June 2. This program will be a combination of online classroom instruction, in-person driving practice, and an in-person written and driving exam. More information & registration.

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