Racine County Family Resource Directory and Quick List Available

Racine County is home to numerous community-based organizations and government programs that improve the quality of life of its residents.  In efforts to ensure that Racine County families, can easily access the information that they need when they need it, Racine County UW-Extension reminds families of the various sources of community resource information.



  •  Families looking for resources should also contact 211 as a central access point for inquiries about family, health and social services. Dial 211 (toll-free) or visit Impact 211’s online database at http://www.impactinc.org/impact-2-1-1/


  •  For older adults and persons with disabilities, the Racine County Aging and Disability Resource Center provides a Community Resource Directory online at http://www.adrc.racineco.com/ or call 262-833-8777.
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