2023 Annual Report

Extension Racine County is proud to share its 2023 Annual Report. Extension educators had a combined 6,254 educational contacts in the program areas of parent and financial education, 4-H and youth development, horticulture, and nutrition education. Partnerships are critical to Extension’s programs. Thank you to all of the community partners who support Extension’s work. Read […]

Are you raising Wisconsin’s Children?

Whether you are a dad, mom, grandparent, foster parent, child caregiver, or educator you are invited to the University of Wisconsin- Madison Extension Human Development and Relationships Institute’s first online parenting conference. Register now for the FREE, virtual Raising Wisconsin’s Children conference: https://parenting.extension.wisc.edu/raising-wi-children-conference/ Questions?  Contact Pam Wedig-Kirsch at pam.wedig-kirsch@wisc.edu

Free Programs for Parents and Caregivers – Winter-Spring 2022

Our winter-spring schedule of programs for parents is now available.  All programs will be remote, using Zoom. Positive Solutions for Families (6 sessions).  This is a comprehensive program providing many strategies parents can use to help their children learn important social skills, understand what is expected of them, and manage their feelings.  Choose an afternoon […]

Free, Fun, Virtual Conference for Parents

Whether you are a dad, mom, grandparent, foster parent, child caregiver, or educator you are invited to the University of Wisconsin- Madison Extension Human Development and Relationships Institute’s first online parenting conference. Register now for the FREE, virtual Raising Wisconsin’s Children conference: https://parenting.extension.wisc.edu/raising-wi-children-conference/

Virtual Workshop – Supporting Children Affected by Parental Incarceration

Supporting Children Affected by Parental Incarceration (Virtual) Do you know a child with a parent who is incarcerated? Do you want to learn how to support the child and family?  The incarceration of a parent disrupts parent-child relationships and increases a child’s risk of experiencing behavior problems, academic challenges, and health concerns. In this workshop, participants […]

Preventing a Meltdown

Acknowledging children’s strong feelings as soon as they are noticed can decrease the intensity of the feelings, possibly preventing a meltdown. Every child is different.  What are the signs your child is feeling sad, angry, or worried? See @raisingwichildren for more parenting tips.

“Meltdowns” and Brain Science

Have you ever wondered why children don’t listen to calm reasoning when they are having a meltdown (or tantrum)?  Brain science shows us that intense emotions and problem-solving cannot occur at the same time.  Ideally, acknowledge strong emotions before they become overwhelming for your child. If that opportunity is missed (which can easily happen), waiting […]

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