
Extension Racine County is a partnership among Racine County, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USDA, and local partners and volunteers. The annual reports provide an overview of a variety of projects and programs. To learn more about this partnership, go to Division of Extension University of Wisconsin – Madison

Extension Education Committee
Oversight for the Extension Racine County office comes from the Extension Education Committee which is appointed every two years by the Racine County Executive. Committee members include:

  • Thomas Roanhouse, County Board Supervisor
  • Tom Rutkowski, County Board Supervisor
  • Jody Spencer, County Board Supervisor
  • Thomas Czerniak, Citizen Member
  • Mike Dawson, Citizen Member

Extension Racine County Annual Reports

100th Anniversary

Racine County UW-Extension celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2018. An Open House was held in January to commemorate the anniversary.

Click to view proclamations from the State of Wisconsin, Racine County, and City of Racine.

Staff Directory