Workshop – Emotion Coaching – Helping Children Manage Strong Feelings

Racine County UW-Extension will be hosting a workshop, “Emotion Coaching – Helping Children Manage Strong Feelings” on February 27, 2019.

Children with strong social-emotional skills have greater academic achievement, more positive social interactions, and greater satisfaction in life. Emotion Coaching can help young children learn valuable skills. This workshop focuses on: 1) Increasing child’s emotional vocabulary; 2) Strategies to help children self-regulate; 3) The 3 steps to support children experiencing strong feelings; and 4) Techniques to help children develop problem solving skills. Practical, ready to implement strategies will be shared. Return to your center armed with the skills to support children by teaching new ways to express their strong feelings!

This workshop is a part of the Early Learning Series that will be held on Wednesday, February 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Ives Grove Auditorium, 14200 Washington Ave. in Sturtevant. The workshop is free for parents, grandparents, and foster parents. There is a $10 charge for early care and education providers wishing to receive 2.0 hours of Registry Credit.

Emotion Coaching Flyer 2019


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