Touchpoints Approach Training Begins October 18, 2017


As a professional or volunteer who works with families, or an early care and education provider working with young children, are you looking for ways to improve connections and relationships with families of young children?

By helping parents identify and expect bursts and regressions in child behavior (the “touchpoints”), you can reduce parental frustration and self-doubt while fostering the parents enjoyment of their child as well as parenting skills. Learn about the developmental and relational elements of parent-child-provider relationships and their practical applications during this multi-session training.

The Touchpoints Approach training series is on Wednesdays, October 18, November 1, 15 and 29, and December 13  at the Racine County Ives Grove Offices, 14200 Washington Ave, Sturtevant. The training fee is $75, which covers materials, a light meal, and snacks. Up to 22 Registry credits will be awarded for this Tier 3 training. The workshop includes 6 reflective practice sessions as a follow up to the workshop.

The Touchpoints Approach was developed by T. Berry Brazelton, MD along with a team at the Brazelton Touchpoints Center in Boston,

The Racine County Touchpoints Project is supported by United Way of Racine County, Racine County, and UW-Extension. To learn more about the training and the Touchpoints Project in Racine County, go to:

For more information, contact Bev Baker, Racine County UW-Extension at 262-767-2929 or Please notify when registering if you have a disability and require accommodations. The registration deadline is September 13.

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