Fall Workshop – Managing Challenging Behaviors

Extension will be offering  “Managing Challenging Behaviors” workshop for caregivers of young children. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 10 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the Ives Grove Racine County Office Building (14200 Washington Avenue, Sturtevant). The cost is $10 for those requesting Registry Credit or certificate of attendance. The registration deadline […]

Educación para padres – Otoño 2021

Programas virtuales (en Zoom) Soluciones Positivas – Los padres de niños pequeños aprenden estrategias para promover el comportamiento positivo al enseñar habilidades sociales, establecer expectativas y ayudar a los niños a afrontar sentimientos fuertes. 6 sesiones – Miércoles: 13, 20, 27 de octubre, 3, 10 y 17 de noviembre 6: 30-7: 30 PM Establecer Expectativas […]

Fall 2021 Parenting Programs

Our fall schedule of programs for parents is now available.  All programs will be remote, using Zoom. Positive Solutions for Families (6 sessions).  This is a comprehensive program providing many strategies parents can use to help their children learn important social skills, understand what is expected of them, and manage their feelings.  Wednesdays:  Oct 13, 20, […]

Summer Parenting Programs

       Extension continues to offer a variety of FREE remote workshops.  Our summer schedule includes the popular Emotion Coaching along with new workshops. Programs include: Emotion Coaching – helping children manage strong feelings Creating Consistent Routines – explore a method to maintain routines Discipline vs Punishment – ways to teach our children to […]

Addressing Children’s Strong Feelings

The strong emotions of kids (and the strong (or “attention-getting) behaviors that sometimes come with these emotions) can be difficult to understand and even harder to deal with as parents. Strong Feelings is a 6-part video series designed to help adults understand and respond to children’s strong feelings using emotion coaching. Supporting children’s emotions helps them feel […]

Reading with Your Baby or Toddler – Taller de lectura interactiva

How can you help your child develop language skills? How can you increase your child’s brain development? What are some fun ways to strengthen your bond with your child? Join in this discussion about how your child learns and ways you are teaching them from the moment they are born!  Use your laptop, tablet, or smartphone […]

Parenting Education – Winter and Spring 2021

Many parents appreciated the virtual parenting programs Extension offered this fall.  We have created a new menu of programs for this winter and spring which include the popular Positive Solutions for Families workshop series and Emotion Coaching along with workshops parents have found helpful in the past. Programs include: Positive Solutions for Families is a […]

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