2023 Annual Report

Extension Racine County is proud to share its 2023 Annual Report. Extension educators had a combined 6,254 educational contacts in the program areas of parent and financial education, 4-H and youth development, horticulture, and nutrition education. Partnerships are critical to Extension’s programs. Thank you to all of the community partners who support Extension’s work. Read […]

Planning AHEAD (Burlington Public Library)

Planning AHEAD (Burlington Public Library) Planning AHEAD is an end-of-life planning curriculum for all ages developed by UW–Madison Division of Extension, This 7-session research-based program will help participants understand how to prepare for the end of life for themselves or a loved one, and why it’s important to have a plan in place. Topics include: […]

Free Programs for Parents and Caregivers

Here is our fall schedule of programs for parents, caregivers, and anyone who spends time with children.  All programs are FREE Positive Solutions for Families (Series of 5 workshops) Are you looking for new ways to get your children to listen more often?  Do you want ideas on how to help your child develop strong […]

WeCOPE en español

WeCOPE es un programa interactivo que ayuda a los adultos a hacer frente al estrés de la vida. WeCOPE ha demostrado reducir el estrés y la depresión, aumentar el afecto positivo y mejorar comportamientos de salud. El control de los retos de la vida de maneras saludables permite que los participantes cuiden mejor de sí […]

Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental – el 28 de agosto

Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental           Aprende cómo apoyara a tus amigos, familiares y vecinos. Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental (Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), por sus siglas en inglés) te enseña cómo identificar, entender y responder ante los signos de un problema de salud mental o de uso de sustancias […]

Read Extension Racine County’s 2022 Annual Report

Extension Racine County is proud to share its 2022 Annual Report. Extension educators had a combined 11,316 educational contacts in the program areas of parent and financial education, 4-H and youth development, horticulture, and nutrition education. Partnerships are critical to Extension’s programs. Thank you to all of the community partners who support Extension’s work. Read […]

Welcome 2023-24 Youth in Governance Representatives

Congratulations to our incoming Youth in Governance representatives for the 2023-2024 year! For the 10th year, high school students from across Racine County will serve alongside Racine County Supervisors on County Board committees.  The Racine County Board of Supervisors welcomed the following participants to their committee assignments for the 2023–2024 year: Christopher Naber & Madhura […]

Event for Families with Young Children

Please join UW-Madison Division of Extension and Graham Public Library on July 25 at 10:00 am, for a fun event at School Yard Park in Union Grove. Contact Graham Public Library at 262-878-2910 to register. We look forward to seeing you there!

Summer 2023 Free Online Parenting Classes

Learn more & register at: https://parenting.extension.wisc.edu/online-parenting-classes/ For other virtual classes go to: https://extension.wisc.edu/events/ and search “parenting”. Please contact Pam, UW-Madison Division of Extension, Racine County, pam.wedig-kirsch@wisc.edu for more information.

Resilient Co-Parenting: Co-Parenting Teens

Join us the 1st Thursday of every month for topic specific online classes that are designed for parents or caregivers raising children together while living apart. Register today!go.wisc.edu/d206g4 Please contact Pam Wedig-Kirsch at pam.wedig-kirsch@wisc.edu for more information.

Resilient Co-Parenting: Parenting from a Distance

Join us the 1st Thursday of every month for topic specific online classes that are designed for parents or caregivers raising children together while living apart. Register today! go.wisc.edu/d206g4 Please contact Pam Wedig-Kirsch at pam.wedig-kirsch@wisc.edu for more information.

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