November 2nd – The 15th Annual Money Conference

The public is invited to attend the 15th Annual Money Conference that will be held on Saturday, November 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Gateway Technical College in Racine. Participants will be to choose from 8 separate 1-hour classes for adults on topics such as budgeting, credit repair, preventing ID theft, starting your […]

Taller en Serie: Soluciones Positivas

Atención Padres de Niños Pequeños (0-6 años) ¿Está buscando maneras nuevas de responder ante el comportamiento difícil de su hijo? ¿Necesita ideas par ayudar a su hijo a seguir instruciones y cumplir con reglas del hogar? ¿Quiere desarrollar una relación positiva con su hijo? Si su respuesta es “si”, entonces este taller en serie de […]

Taller en Serie: Soluciones Positivas

Atención Padres de Niños Pequeños (0-6 años) ¿Está buscando maneras nuevas de responder ante el comportamiento difícil de su hijo? ¿Necesita ideas par ayudar a su hijo a seguir instruciones y cumplir con reglas del hogar? ¿Quiere desarrollar una relación positiva con su hijo? Si su respuesta es “si”, entonces este taller en serie de […]

Positive Solutions at Cooper Elementary, Burlington

Are you looking for new ways to get your child to listen more often? Do you want ideas on how to help your child develop strong friendship skills? Do you want less stress in your home? If you answered “yes”, then the Positive Solutions workshop series is for you. The workshops help parents of young […]

Positive Solutions Program at Acelero

Attention Parents of Young Children (Ages 0 to 6) Are you looking for new ways to get your child to listen more often? Do you want ideas on how to help your child develop strong friendship skills? Do you want less stress in your home? If you answered “yes”, then the Positive Solutions workshop series […]

September Workshop – Thriving With Your Spirited Child

Extension Racine County presents “Thriving With Your Spirited Child” Workshop Is there a “spirited” child in your life? Is the child more perceptive, intense, sensitive, persistent, energetic or expressive?  If so, you may have a “spirited” child. Join us for this 3-hour workshop that will help you to better understand the role temperament plays in […]

March workshop added – Emotion Coaching – Helping Children Manage Strong Feelings

Due to strong interest in this topic, Racine County UW-Extension has added new March workshop on “Emotion Coaching – Helping Children Manage Strong Feelings”, which will be held on March 26, 2019. Children with strong social-emotional skills have greater academic achievement, more positive social interactions, and greater satisfaction in life. Emotion Coaching can help young children […]

Child Support and Family Court FAQ on March 13, 2019

Professionals and volunteers often hear from families that Child Support and Family Court are confusing and frustrating. As a result, the Greater Racine Collaborative for Healthy Birth Outcomes and the Racine County UW-Extension convened a panel on child support in Racine County to help dispel some of the common misperceptions. A Child Support and Family […]

Register for Managing Challenging Behaviors Workshop

Racine County UW-Extension’s Early Learning Series will present the workshop, “Managing Challenging Behaviors” for early care and education providers. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Ives Grove Auditorium in Sturtevant. This workshop will provide early care and education providers with skills and strategies to […]

Support Extension