WeCOPE en español

WeCOPE es un programa interactivo que ayuda a los adultos a hacer frente al estrés de la vida. WeCOPE ha demostrado reducir el estrés y la depresión, aumentar el afecto positivo y mejorar comportamientos de salud. El control de los retos de la vida de maneras saludables permite que los participantes cuiden mejor de sí […]

Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental – el 28 de agosto

Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental           Aprende cómo apoyara a tus amigos, familiares y vecinos. Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental (Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), por sus siglas en inglés) te enseña cómo identificar, entender y responder ante los signos de un problema de salud mental o de uso de sustancias […]

Resilient Co-Parenting: Parenting from a Distance

Join us the 1st Thursday of every month for topic specific online classes that are designed for parents or caregivers raising children together while living apart. Register today! go.wisc.edu/d206g4 Please contact Pam Wedig-Kirsch at pam.wedig-kirsch@wisc.edu for more information.

Online Parenting Classes, April

Join a free online parenting class every Thursday at 7 PM. Connect with other parents. Get practical, positive parenting ideas. Register at https://parenting.extension.wisc.edu/online-parenting-classes/ Click here for April 2023 flyer. Contact Pam Wedig-Kirsch at pam.wedig-kirsch@wisc.edu for more information.  

Planning AHEAD Workshop Series

Planning AHEAD is an end-of-life planning curriculum for all ages developed by UW–Madison Division of Extension, This 7-session research-based program will help participants understand how to prepare for the end of life for themselves or a loved one, and why it’s important to have a plan in place. Topics include: handling financial changes, advance medical […]

Free Programs for Parents and Caregivers – Winter-Spring 2023

Here is our winter-spring schedule of programs for parents/caregivers/anyone who spends time with children.  All programs are FREE and will be remote, using Zoom. Series: Positive Solutions for Families (5 sessions).  This is a comprehensive program providing many strategies parents can use to help their children learn important social skills, understand what is expected of […]

Child Support and Family Court FAQ

Registration is now open for Child Support and Family Court FAQ This program is designed to assist educators, caseworkers, family serving organizations, and other professionals in understanding how child support and family court works so they can guide families to available resources. The program will be held at Gateway Technical College on the Racine Campus. Date: […]

“Encouraging Financial Conversations” Professional Development

“Encouraging Financial Conversations” Extension will be offering a workshop series on “Encouraging Financial Conversations.” This program is open to helping professionals in Racine, Kenosha, Milwaukee, and Walworth Counties. Encouraging Financial Conversations is a program designed for case managers, social workers, and other frontline staff to help empower clients to achieve their financial goals and manage […]

November Workshop – Thriving With Your Spirited Child

The Early Learning Series for early care and education providers will present the workshop, “Thriving With Your Spirited Child”. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 30 from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Ives Grove Auditorium in Sturtevant. The cost for the workshop is $10 for 2.0 Registry Credits. The deadline to register is November […]

Support Extension