Attention Parents of Young Children (Ages 0 to 6)
Are you looking for new ways to get your child to listen more often?
Do you want ideas on how to help your child develop strong friendship skills?
Do you want less stress in your home?
If you answered “yes”, then the Positive Solutions workshop series is for you. The workshops help parents of young children learn strategies to promote positive behavior. Parents attend six workshops that focus on different topics each week. Children are invited to participate in supervised children’s activities during the workshops. UW-Madison Extension Racine County will be offering the Positive Solutions workshop series to parents and caregivers of young children.
The workshop series will run for six weeks on Wednesdays: Jan 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 19 from 4:30-6:30 PM
at Janes Elementary School,1425 N Wisconsin St, Racine, WI
The workshops are free. Children’s supervised activities and a light meal are provided. Registration is required.
Please contact Pam Wedig-Kirsch at pam.wedig-kirsch@wisc.edu or 262-767-2918 with any questions. Please see the flyer below.
For more information, click here:Positive Solutions flyer Janes – Jan-Feb 2020 – Spanish final Positive Solutions flyer in English Janes Jan-Feb 2020 – Workshop in Spanish
Positive Solutions flyer Janes – Jan-Feb 2020 – Spanish final