“Meltdowns” and Brain Science

Have you ever wondered why children don’t listen to calm reasoning when they are having a meltdown (or tantrum)?  Brain science shows us that intense emotions and problem-solving cannot occur at the same time.  Ideally, acknowledge strong emotions before they become overwhelming for your child. If that opportunity is missed (which can easily happen), waiting […]

Strengthening Your Child’s Social-Emotional Skills

We know helping our children express their feelings in a healthy way builds social-emotional skills. Those social-emotional skills aid in developing positive relationships and having a positive school experience. One way to foster these skills is by talking with children about feelings. See @raisingwichildren for more parenting tips.

Emotion Coaching Script

You’ve learned a bit about emotion coaching and how it benefits your child.  You’d like to give it a try.  Here’s a guide to help you get started. See @raisingwichildren for more parenting tips.

What is Emotion Coaching?

When parents, caregivers, and trusted adults use emotion coaching, children learn to understand their feelings and learn to cope with stress and strong emotions. See @raisingwichildren for more parenting tips.

Understanding Feelings

Talking about characters in books is a comfortable way for children to explore feelings and different ways to cope with their strong feelings.  Here are some ideas to get the conversation started. See @raisingwichildren for more parenting tips.

Helping Children Talk About Feelings

Helping children label their feelings is the first step in developing the skills of understand their feelings and learning how to express their feelings in positive and healthy ways.  When children are able to identify their feelings, calming themselves is easier. See @raisingwichildren for more parenting tips.  

New School Year Jitters?

The transition back to school can be emotional for children.  Here’s a strategy to help your child with their feelings as they prepare for the new school year. Go to @raisingwichildren on Instagram for more parenting tips.

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