November workshop – Shaken Baby Syndrome

The Early Learning Series will present a workshop on “Shaken Baby Syndrome” on Wednesday, November 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Ives Grove Auditorium in Sturtevant. Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is a severe form of brain injury that occurs when a child is forcibly shaken. It is typical for babies to cry, even when you […]


October Raising A Thinking Child Work Shop

The Early Learning Series presents, “Raising A Thinking Child” on Wednesday, October 21 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Ives Grove Auditorium in Sturtevant. This interactive two-hour workshop is an overview of the full workshop series. Raising a Thinking Child (RTC). RTC helps parents and early care providers guide children to solve common, everyday […]

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Annual Report via Map

UW-Extension staff and volunteers compiled programs by name, location and description to provide a visual overview of how UW-Extension helps people in Racine County apply University research, knowledge and resources to meet their educational needs wherever they live and work. Racine County UW-Extension 2014 Report (Print version with photos) Interactive map of 2014 program sites […]


Racine County Family Resource Directory and Quick List Available

Racine County is home to numerous community-based organizations and government programs that improve the quality of life of its residents.  In efforts to ensure that Racine County families, can easily access the information that they need when they need it, Racine County UW-Extension reminds families of the various sources of community resource information.   The […]

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Annual Impact Report Released

We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin and engaging them in transforming lives and communities. Did you know: The Racine County Board partnered with UW-Extension to create the Youth In Governance Program which launched in 2014. Nutrition educators made 14,725 teaching contacts in Racine County with the report highlighting […]


New Resource for Parents of 10-16 year olds

Are you interested in learning more about what makes your tween or teen tick? Would you like the opportunity to interact with other parents who have some of the same challenges and questions as you do? Parenthetical is a new online community for parents of 10 to 16 year olds., an online site offered […]


New research specialist position focused on incarcerated parents and child health

Are you interested in learning more about children and families with incarcerated parents? Through a health equity study grant, Racine County University of Wisconsin-Extension is recruiting for a new part-time research specialist position which begins August 1, 2013 at the Racine County Law Enforcement Center. The Incarcerated Parent and Child Health Study aims to determine […]


Letter to Community Partners

Periodically, UW-Extension takes steps to assure that our partners know and understand our policy of nondiscrimination. This letter is to remind or notify you that the University of Wisconsin-Extension does not discriminate in the treatment of individuals, in the admission or access to its programs and activities, in the provision of services, or in employment. […]


2010 Annual Report Available

Every year Racine County UW-Extension staff share their successes in a combined Annual Report. This year’s report describes the added value brought to Racine County through volunteers, UW-Extension specialists, grants and local partnerships. Check out the 2010 Annual Report