Awards & Experiences Grades 10 +


To apply for Racine County 4-H awards and experiences, as a 4-H member in 10th grade and above, you are being asked to develop and submit your cover letter and resume. Please have them ready to submit in one file. Please be sure to to let the selection committee know which awards and experiences you are applying for in your cover letter. Examples and outlines for cover letters and resumes are below.

Cover Letter and Resume

Examples and outlines of cover letters and resumes can be found here. Please be sure to write your cover letter and resume in your own words, not from the samples. Please use a font size no smaller than 11 point and keep each limited to one page.

Reference Form

As part of the process for selecting youth for Racine County 4-H Awards and Experiences, the selection committee is seeking a recommendation and more information on each candidate. This form should be completed by a 4-H Adult Volunteer who is not related to the applicant.


This rubric is for your reference. You do not need to print and submit with your application.

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