A project is simply a topic that you can explore. As you explore a 4-H project, you’ll learn more than just subject matter, you’ll learn life skills, too. These are valuable skills, such as understanding yourself, communicating and working with others, problem-solving and decision making…skills that you can use for the rest of your life!

Cloverbud Project
Members who are in 5K-2nd grade enroll in the Cloverbud project.


Club Projects are based on the availability of project leaders within the club or county.


No matter what club you join, you can participate in these projects!

Countywide ProjectCountywide Project LeaderCountywide Project Leader Email
DogHeather Kraushkraus9661@gmail.com
FishingLes Hedringtonlherdr1@gmail.com
GoatBrenda Gerouwindyoakacres@yahoo.com
HorseSam Johnsonsamsamdapizzaman@hotmail.com
PoultryGary Rossmangwrossman@yahoo.com
RabbitLouise Paullpaul2@wi.rr.com
STEM Deb Laverty debra.laverty14@gmail.com
Shooting SportsLes Hedringtonlherdr1@gmail.com
WoodworkingGeorge Hendersongeohen53@gmail.com

Archery/Shooting Sports required ages as of the first project meeting of the current 4-H year:
Air Rifle, Air Pistol, and Archery: 8 and minimum of 3rd grade
Shotgun, .22 Rifle, .22 Pistol, and Muzzleloading: 12

Club Project Leaders
To see if there is a project leader in your 4-H club for a specific project area, contact your club leader.

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