Registration is now open for the Annual Racine County Networking Breakfasts. Staff who work for child, youth, and family serving organizations are invited to attend the annual Racine County networking breakfasts. Attendees will have the opportunity to share information about their programs and market their organizations through table displays. A free copy of the 2018 Family Resource Directory will be available for all attendees at the event.
Western Racine County Networking Breakfast
Friday, October 5, 2018
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Community United Methodist Church, Waterford
(Registration Deadline: September 27)
Eastern Racine County Networking Breakfast
Thursday, October 11, 2018
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Living Light Community Center
(Registration Deadline: October 4)
You are able to register for both the Eastern and Western breakfasts using the link below.
Or click on the link in the attachments.
2018 Western Networking Breakfast flyer
2018 Eastern Networking Breakfast flyer.compressed
Questions? Please contact Racine County UW-Extension, at 262-767-2929 or Racine County UW-Extension and Family Preservation West (western event) are co-hosting the breakfasts. Thank you to the United Way of Racine County for its support in providing the breakfasts.
Please note that photographers will be taking videos and pictures of the participants at Racine County Networking Breakfasts. UW-Extension will use these videos and pictures in a manner consistent with UW-Extension’s mission. Your attendance at these events indicates your consent for your image to be recorded and used in this manner.