If you or your employees purchase, mix, or apply “Restricted Use” pesticides on property you own or operate in Wisconsin, you MUST be certified to do so. Certification is valid for 5 years. Applicators whose certification is expiring or first time applicators can register for a training or self-study test session.
2017 Racine/Kenosha Private Pesticide Applicator Training Dates:
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Kenosha County Center
19600 75th St. (Hwys. 45 & 50)
Bristol, WI 53104
9 AM registration; 9:15 AM training; testing begins at 1 PM or as soon as training ends. Snacks will be provided.
If this date doesn’t work, Walworth County will be offering a training session on Tuesday, January 31st – call 262-741-4951 for more information. Applicators can also choose the self-study option by purchasing a manual from a UW-Extension office and scheduling a test with that office.
The fee for the book and license is $30. We recommend a week between buying the book and taking the test. You must have a score of 70% or better to pass. Applicators may also visit other counties in Wisconsin for their trainings. Visit http://ipcm.wisc.edu/pat/ for dates and locations.
A Pesticide Applicator Training in Spanish will be held in Fond du Lac on January 31st, for more information call 608-262-7588.